I'm a Remote Full-Stack Developer with over 4 years of experience currently working for music and digital sound distribution company in Germany. I share my passion for developing a full-stack website for any business using the TALL-stack framework (Tailwind CSS, Alpine.js, Laravel, and Livewire) - a full-stack development framework on the rise that brings speed and performance.
In addition to working full-time, I'm also spare my time to launch my own shameless clone heavily inspired by the popular dev community platform, Dev.to. Call it Kodekativ: https://kodekativ.co or https://id.kodekativ.co.
I want to help you launch your dream website. Services that I offer to you:
- Develop a complete website from scratch (based on your ready design/reference)
- Installing PHP/Laravel Scripts
- Installing other language scripts or CodeCanyon scripts
- Upgrading PHP/Laravel version & its dependencies
- Backup and Restore PHP/Laravel websites
- Third-party API Integration
- Payment Gateway Integration
- Social Media Integration
- Secure web with
All development will be done using TALL stack and LEMP (Linux, Nginx, MySQL, and PHP).